Famous Cricketer Restaurants and Hotels in India |
Sunday, 02 May 2010 15:36 |
It is a well known fact that criceters make lot of money than any other players in the world. Indian cricketers, having made an enviable name in the world for their records have also made lot of money here.

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Majority of them, at-least in the past twenty years, have invested that wisely and made money work for them instead of they working for money.

Sachin has joined hands with famous hotelier Sanjay Narang of Mars Group and opened hotels in Kolaba and Mulund in Mumbai. His restaurants are named SACHINS and TENDULKAR'S. These restaurants are highly posh, stylish and provide both veg. and non-veg foods. Separate rooms for little children are also there. Now he has also opened a third hotel in Bangalore, the silicon city of India. More Details at http://www.tendulkarsworld.com/
Kapil is the first cricketer who entered into hotel business in India. This alrounder from Chandigarh in Punjab built a fine hotel in his home city of Chandigharh. Later, he constructed another hotel in Patna, capital of Bihar. In these hotels, not only Indian food, but Chinese, Thai,And Pakistani foods are also served. Apart from hotel business, he also has stasrted a new business of putting up focu lights in stadiums. He also has invested in shares of top class firms.

Ajay joined hands with an experienced businessman from Singapore - the owner of famous 'Sesso' hotel there.

Sreeshanth, Utthappa and Mahendra (Ranaji player from Kerala) have jointly established a new type of 'home stay' hotel 'THE BAT AND BALL INN'. They have exhibited cartoons, paintings and mementos etc, related to cricket and cricketers. There is a restaurant in this hotel and that is beautifully named 'SILLY POINT'. This hotel is on the Richmond Road in Bangalore. The trio is planning to establish such hotels in Chennai and Cochin cities. They have a website too. Visit: http://thebatandballinn.com/

Zaheer also is a successful hotelier. He has his hotel ZK’S at Lulla nagar, in Pune. It is famous for its 'biriyani’ a favorite non-veg dish in Indian sub-continent. This hotel has the restaurant area of 4,300 sq.feet. Details are available at http://www.zks.co.in

Veeroo has started and successfully running two hotels one each at New-Delhi and Ludhiana. These are, appreciably vegetarian hotels. A funny point about these hotels is that, here, the food items are named in cricket terms. Eg: Middle Order Stand, Opening Chill Cuts, Half-Century Partnership (for meals within Rs. 50). Is it not funny and imaginative?

Ganguly is also a successful businessman. His 'SAURAVS FOOD PAVILLION' is highly luxurious. The Sea fish meals here is priced at Rs.1500/-per meal. For details visit
The legend of previous years, Mr. Sunil Gavaskar has not entered this line. He has developed other businesses.

Sachin spends fair amount in charity about which he rarely tells. Saurav is constructing a convent school and already running a cricket school. Many foreign cricketers are also engaged in such businesses and earning well. Why should not they? After all, it is their hard earned money!
These exclusive article has been sourced from an email forward. Images sourced from The Hindu, Telegraph and Tribune