Chinmaya vidyalaya chennai |
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Chinmaya Vidyalaya located in Chennai is affiliated to the CBSE Board. It is a co-educational English medium school and imparts education from the Nursery to higher secondary classes.
The Chinmaya Vidyalaya School was established in Chennai in the year 1968 and it provides access to education to more than 1500 students every year.
The school gives a lot of importance to the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual growth of the pupils and with the aim of enhancing the spiritual aspect of the students life it has included Bhajan, Gita Chant and Moral studies in the curriculum besides the academic studies.
Infrastructure Facilities at Chinmaya Vidyalaya
The school building has three floors with classrooms and laboratories for the students. The school has separate labs for the senior and junior students. There is a separate library for Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Computers.
The library of the Chinmaya Vidyalaya has a collection of more than 15000 books, periodicals and journals. The School library also contains audio and video cassettes to provide extensive reference material on any subject.
There is an Audio-Visual room in the school, where the students can watch many educational films and presentations.
Co-curricular activities at Chinmaya Vidyalaya
The school has Science club, Math Club, Literary and Eco Club where various activities are arranged for the students.
Contact Details
Chinmaya Vidyalaya
Tapovanam, 9-B Taylor’s Road,
Kilpauk, Chennai 600010 India
Phone- 044-26460722
[email protected]