
JSS infocentre

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JSSATE Info-centre has been designed as a web based interface between the students and the faculty, facilitating interactions not limited to the classroom. The JSSATE Info-centre aims to provide a live platform for fast exchange of information within college management, faculty and students to carry the overall functioning at various levels to a higher degree of quality and competence.

The web-site can be accessed from within the college campus using- http://info-centre and from across the world using- http://www.jssaten.org.in.

The info-centre provides a wide variety of utilities to its users. It can be spoken of as one place where the faculty and students alike can maintain their personal and academic records. The site provides individual user-accounts for faculty members and students with personal space and interface on “Info-centre” website. The user can upload and edit personal information through this facility.

CLick here for official site

Posted by musicking on Nov 27 2010. Filed under Business news. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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