
Internet users in 2010 | two billion internet users will in the world by 2010

Internet users in 2010 | two billion internet users will in the world by 2010

Voil? again must be smiling all investors of the Web: the number of Internet users should cross the 2 billion by the end of the ann?e symbolic tr?s bar. What rub their hands when it calls Google or Facebook.

The new is ?t? rapport?e yesterday by ITU, the International Union of the t?l?communications (li?e ? UN) which publishes several int?ressantes statistics:
the number of users on the plan?te doubl? between 2005 and 20101,6 billion people have currently acc?s net ? home, 200 million more than in 2009fin 2010, 71% of the inhabitants of the country d?velopp?s will be connect?sfin 2010, 21% of the inhabitants of d?veloppement developing countries will be connect?s65% d?velopp?s country residents have a net ? domicile13 acc?s, 5% of the inhabitants of d?veloppement developing countries have a net ? care1 acc?s, 2 billion 2 abonn?s billion live in countries d?velopp?sla China repr?sentera ? alone 420 million abonn?s importance of Asia, Africa delayed

And as shown in the following graph, Asia today focuses much tr?s abonn?s number ? Internet (billion 2011 or 2012?), mainly gr?ce ? China, can also realize strong disparit?s mati?re p?n?tration rates worldwide.

UIT Internet penetration monde
Ascending order, the percentage of abonn?s by continent or the globe r?gion thus is as follows:
Concerning the qualit? lines, ITU indicates that 24.6% of the country d?velopp?s lines are of high d?bit compared to 4.4% of d?veloppement developing countries.In total, only 8% of fixed lines in the world are ? broadband.UIT Internet haut debit monde
Mobile: 3 G is r?pand quickly

Finally, the ITU book also some donn?es’s mobile t?l?phonie.Firstly, a map tr?s explicit on the 2 G and 3 G.This derni?re is still minority tr?s number of abonn?s, but its coverage is majority in many countries of the world, except some in Africa and Asia, and Greenland.

UIT telephonie 2G 3G monde
Mobile: A rate of p?n?tration in?gal?

Remains in the end, “more than 90% of the world’s population” has “d?sormais acc?s ? mobile r?seau”.5.3 billion mobile subscriptions and expected ?tre achieved by the end of ann?e 3.8 billion in d?veloppement developing countries.Latter, with a rate of 68% of the mobile t?l?phonie p?n?tration are certainly far from areas as Europe (see chart below).But this rate is n?anmoins sup?rieur ? any other technology (t?l?vision, etc.) note the ITU.

“These countries have demonstrated innovation to adapt mobile technologies ? sp?cifiques needs and will be able to withdraw even more significant benefits broadband once an acc?s adapt? and affordable financi?rement will be available.”

UIT telephonie abonnements monde

Posted by on Oct 25 2010. Filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry