
Refund status of Income tax can be checked online

All you need to do is go to this website and enter your PAN number and choose the Assessment year and click on submit. This will give you the current status of your income tax refund. You can also track the status of the income tax refund by contacting the help desk of SBI’s at toll free number: 18004259760 or email them at [email protected] refunds@incometaxindia.gov.in

Note that the income tax refund is valid only if you file your income tax return on time. If you delay the income tax return filing, in that case you will lose the interest on your refund money.  I hope you know that filing your  tax return online helps one to get tax refund faster than offline return filing.

What can be different types of Income tax refund Status ?

1. Change in address

A lot of income tax refunds get dispatched at right time, but they go back because of the change in address. A lot of people keep moving from one place to another and because of this the income tax refund status shows “Refund Cheque returned because of change in address” reason in the status. Look that the snapshot below

Income Tax Refund Status

2. Cheque Encashed Status

Incase one has already en-cashed the cheque which has come for income tax refund, and then he will see the following message in the status box. If you see this and haven’t already got the cheque – you are in problem!

Income Tax Refund Status

There can  be other status also depending on the situation . the above two status’s were just for demo purpose .

Posted by on Jan 22 2012. Filed under Jobs. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry